Indici bursieri Piețe bursiere Simboluri Statistici

Simbol DJ30
Dow Jones Industrial Average

vineri, 14 martie 2025, ora 17:32:43 EEST (UTC + 3)

Simbol DJ30
Simbol DJ30
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Denumire Dow Jones Industrial Average
ISIN US2605661048
Sector Index
Monedă USD
Preț 34.299,1200 USD
Profit anual +14,77%
Dată actualizare 16.06.2023

The DJ30 Index (Dow Jones Industrial Average) is one of the oldest stock market indices, created in 1885, and represents the price-weighted average stocks of the 30 largest American publicly-traded companies. The most widely known US stock index, it was created originally as a barometer for the performance of the industrial sector in the US. However, it is now used as a benchmark for the overall market daily performance.

Istoric cotații

Data P/E Beta Capitalizare Dividend EPS Profit anual Preț
18.11.2022 0,00 0,0000 0,000 0,00% 0,0000 -6,06% $33.708,35
06.12.2022 0,00 0,0000 0,000 0,00% 0,0000 -3,68% $33.969,45
11.02.2023 0,00 0,0000 0,000 0,00% 0,0000 -2,65% $33.865,95
06.04.2023 0,00 0,0000 0,000 0,00% 0,0000 -3,39% $33.485,29
22.05.2023 0,00 0,0000 0,000 0,00% 0,0000 +6,48% $33.286,58
16.06.2023 0,00 0,0000 0,000 0,00% 0,0000 +14,77% $34.299,12

Pagină vizualizată de 149 ori și generată în 0,055721 secunde.