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Enel Américas SA

joi, 30 ianuarie 2025, ora 07:46:35 EEST (UTC + 3)

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Denumire Enel Américas SA
Piața NYSE
Sector Utilities
Industrie Electric Utilities
Monedă USD
Preț 6,4200 USD
Capitalizare bursieră 13,780 mld. USD
P/E 11,68
Beta 0,8052
Dividend 2,85%
EPS 0,5467
Profit anual -9,00%
Dată actualizare 22.12.2021

Enel Américas SA engages in the exploitation, distribution and transformation of energy. It operates through the following segments: Generation & Transmission and Distribution. The Generation & Transmission segment consists of companies that own generation plants. The Distribution segment includes electricity supply to the final customers. The company was founded on June 19, 1981 and is headquartered in Santiago, Chile.

Istoric cotații

Data P/E Beta Capitalizare Dividend EPS Profit anual Preț
22.12.2021 11,68 0,8052 13,780 2,85% 0,5467 -9,00% $6,42

Pagină vizualizată de 141 ori și generată în 0,117746 secunde.