The Poste Italiane came into existence in 1862, due to government reform. Since then. Poşte Italiane, PST.MI on the Milan Stock Exchange, has morphed into a multi-service provider of financial services, in addition to more traditional postai services. The partially publicly owned company provides insurance, banking and logistics services throughout Italy. PST.MI stock value was valued at 6.75 euro per share on August 2015, when the company went public on the Borsa Italiana.
Similar to many naţional postai service providers. Poşte Italiane has gone through some financial turbulence, due mainly to competition from the private sector and technological innovations that have reduced the necessity of postai services. An increase in efficiency and reliability are responsible for a partial rebound in overall performance in recent years. But challenges facing the company remain.
The positive trends in the financial fortunes of Poşte Italiane is a hot button issue, with corporate leaders citing improved financial scrutiny and logistical planning as the main reasons, while union leaders argue that worsening benefits for new employees and workforce reduction are the primary factors. Regardless of the reasons, it will be interesting to see how Poste Italiane handles the many challenges facing all national postai services around the world. |