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Simbol VGT
Vanguard Information Technology ETF

sâmbătă, 15 februarie 2025, ora 12:56:00 EEST (UTC + 3)

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Denumire Vanguard Information Technology ETF
ISIN US92204A7028
Sector ETF
Monedă USD
Preț 427,0900 USD
Capitalizare bursieră 51,250 mld. USD
Beta 1,1000
Dividend 0,64%
Profit anual +18,26%
Dată actualizare 25.08.2023

Vanguard Technology ETF, ticker symbol, VGT, is a weighted index, focusing on information technology companies. Unlike many other technology-oriented funds, VGT includes a higher percentage of small and micro caps. It is important to note that the definition of tech companies in the Vanguard Technology ETF is not the same as the general market definition. VGT excludes telecom and gaming, but does include credit card companies. The Vanguard Group, the operator of the Vanguard Technology ETF, also operates hundreds of additional ETFs.

Istoric cotații

Data P/E Beta Capitalizare Dividend EPS Profit anual Preț
16.10.2022 0,00 0,0000 0,000 0,00% 0,0000 -29,09% $300,84
19.05.2023 0,00 1,1000 48,290 0,78% 0,0000 +18,66% $401,24
16.06.2023 0,00 1,1000 52,980 0,68% 0,0000 +37,44% $439,56
25.08.2023 0,00 1,1000 51,250 0,64% 0,0000 +18,26% $427,09

Pagină vizualizată de 132 ori și generată în 0,032011 secunde.