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Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund ETF

joi, 30 ianuarie 2025, ora 19:43:19 EEST (UTC + 3)

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Denumire Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund ETF
ISIN US9229087690
Sector ETF
Monedă USD
Preț 218,5900 USD
Capitalizare bursieră 1.340,000 mld. USD
Beta 1,0300
Dividend 1,52%
Profit anual +7,22%
Dată actualizare 25.08.2023

Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund ETF is an open-ended passive fund listed on the NYSE Arca exchange, an exchange on which both stocks and options are listed. Vanguard, the US investment advisory group, is the world’s second-largest provider of ETFs, second only to BlackRock’s iShares brand.
The Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund ETF opened to investors in 2001 and tracks the CRSP index, a cap-weighted index designed to reflect the entire investible US equities market. VTI has tracked CRSP since 2013, having previously tracked the Dow Jones and MSCI – alternative broad based indices -- designed to measure the entirety of the US equities market.
The ETF holds over 3,800 individual US equities including large-, mid- and small-cap companies and is managed passively, based on an index-sampling strategy. The fund’s largest sectors by weighting are the financial sector, technology sector, health care sector and consumer services sector respectively.
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund ETF has an expense ratio of just 0.05% - 95% lower than the average of comparable funds.

Istoric cotații

Data P/E Beta Capitalizare Dividend EPS Profit anual Preț
25.10.2022 0,00 0,0000 0,000 0,00% 0,0000 -18,62% $191,84
12.05.2023 0,00 0,0000 0,000 0,00% 0,0000 +1,56% $204,22
17.06.2023 0,00 1,0300 1.320,000 1,43% 0,0000 +19,35% $219,26
25.08.2023 0,00 1,0300 1.340,000 1,52% 0,0000 +7,22% $218,59

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